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In here I try to demonstrate the Dust Sensor from Sharp “GP2Y1010AU0F”, which will connect with NodeMcu controller and send data over WiFi. Now the question is where I will send the data. I actually need a host Web server to send the data in there. You can use Amazon AWS, Sparkfun, Adafruit’s free Web-server for a limited amount of data. In here, I will use Sparkfun’s Web-server for this.


At first, you need to see the website of In there you will find how to create a free account, how do you use it, how much data you can push and other also. In this website, you can push up to 50mb. After you hit the limit, the oldest data will be erased. Logging is limited to 100 pushes in a 15-minute window. This allows you to push data in bursts or spread them out over the 15-minute window.



Now we need to make the hardware ready. For this you need to check the schematic.

Most interesting thing, you could get this data from the website in a different format. Like CSV, JSON and etc. In here I plot a single day’s data and you can see there has changed according to generate smoke by myself.

Now we are ready to send data over Wi-Fi. So, please check the GitHub link for the source code.


After sending successful data, you could see something below.

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